Vision, Mission, Lineage


Sun yoga is an inclusive, peaceful environment allowing students to practice authentic yoga and mindfulness allowing for self-growth.


By providing excellence in yoga instruction through a wide variety of practice styles, Sun Yoga is a welcoming, inclusive community allowing for self-growth on and off the mat.  This sacred environment allows for the development of student brilliance in the physical practice of yoga. This leads to growth in all aspects of life creating harmony, wellbeing and real yoga practice. Through service and community outreach we foster and grow yoga within and beyond the studio impacting the world around us.


The lineage of yoga teachings at Sun Yoga Tampa derives from multiple perspectives. The physical practice of yoga as taught by T. Krishnamacharya and his students, especially BKS Iyengar serve as the root of the physical practice, while Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra’s guide the philosophy used in day to day class teachings and the studio as a whole. The teachings of the Buddha and a focus on meditation provide an additional dimension to the studio’s teachings and lineage drawing on the life examples of the Dali Lama, Gandhi, and others. Modern experiences in music, sound, and dance are another key element to the studio’s rich lineage deriving from both tantra as well as modern performance. Today, no yoga studio can remain apart from ideas derived from many traditions. At the Sun Yoga our lineage remains authentic to the old, open to the new, finding guidance wherever it may best guide the practice of yoga.